منتدى Rehabilitation Team

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إدارة المنتدى: عامر صدقة

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منتدى Rehabilitation Team

مرحبا بك عزيزي الزائر. المرجوا منك أن تعرّف بنفسك و تدخل المنتدى معنا. إن لم يكن لديك حساب بعد, نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه.
إدارة المنتدى: عامر صدقة

منتدى Rehabilitation Team

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى Rehabilitation Team

    Brachial Plexus Injuries


    ذكر عدد الرسائل : 225
    العمر : 37
    تاريخ التسجيل : 09/07/2008

    Brachial Plexus Injuries Empty Brachial Plexus Injuries

    مُساهمة من طرف amer_sadaqah الثلاثاء يوليو 15, 2008 8:04 pm

    What are Brachial Plexus Injuries?
    The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that conducts signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm, and hand. Brachial plexus injuries are caused by damage to those nerves. Symptoms may include a limp or paralyzed arm; lack of muscle control in the arm, hand, or wrist; and a lack of feeling or sensation in the arm or hand. Brachial plexus injuries can occur as a result of shoulder trauma, tumors, or inflammation. There is a rare syndrome called Parsonage-Turner Syndrome, or brachial plexitis, which causes inflammation of the brachial plexus without any obvious shoulder injury. This syndrome can begin with severe shoulder or arm pain followed by weakness and numbness. In infants, brachial plexus injuries may happen during birth if the baby’s shoulder is stretched during passage in the birth canal.
    The severity of a brachial plexus injury is determined by the type of damage done to the nerves. The most severe type, avulsion, is caused when the nerve root is severed or cut from the spinal cord. There is also an incomplete form of avulsion in which part of the nerve is damaged and which leaves some opportunity for the nerve to slowly recover function. Neuropraxia, or stretch injury, is the mildest type of injury Neuropraxia damages the protective covering of the nerve, which causes problems with nerve signal conduction, but does not always damage the nerve underneath.
    Brachial Plexus Injuries BrachialPlexus2

    Brachial Plexus Injuries Shoulder_dystocia

    Brachial Plexus Injuries Brachialplexus
    Is there any treatment?
    Many brachial plexus injuries heal without specific treatment. Physical and occupational therapy may be useful in regaining strength and use of the arm and hand. Pain medicine may be needed to reduce pain and allow more use of the arm. With severe traumatic injuries, surgery may be indicated. Corticosteroids are sometimes used to treat inflammation in Parsonage-Turner syndrome but may not necessarily improve outcome.
    What is the prognosis?
    The prognosis for a brachial plexus injury is dependent on the severity of the injury. Patients with stretch injuries have the best potential for recovery of normal arm and hand function. When the nerve is cut or severely torn, recovery is poor, although surgery may improve the outcome. Recovery in Parsonage-Turner syndrome depends on how severely inflammation has damaged the nerve.
    What research is being done?
    The NINDS conducts and supports research on injuries to organs and networks within the nervous system, such as the brachial plexus. Much of this research is aimed at finding ways to prevent and treat these disorders.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الخميس نوفمبر 21, 2024 12:40 pm